Glimpses 52 Project | Week 23 | Vancouver Playland - Kamloops Child & Family Photographer - Meagan Baker
Jun 2012

Glimpses 52 Project | Week 23 | Vancouver Playland

The thought of photographing a bunch of kids at Playland in Vancouver excited me. Gwenneth and I were meeting some friends and their kids at the theme park for a few hours of playtime and kiddie rides. I wasn’t sure if Gwenneth was going to be tall enough to go on many of the rides – so we were very excited when we made it to their entrance gates and she passed the 36′ mark. Too bad Playland was closed that day. Hilarious, right… I guess we were all to busy to check if they were open on a Friday. Here’s my glimpse for Week 23 of the Chic Critique Forum’s Glimpses project. Stay tuned for child photos from Vancouver’s Playland when we visit again this summer… when they are open.

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