Wednesday's Style - DIY Easter Photo Shoot Ideas | Vancouver Family Photographer - Kamloops Child & Family Photographer - Meagan Baker
Apr 2014

Wednesday’s Style – DIY Easter Photo Shoot Ideas | Vancouver Family Photographer

wednesdays style

It’s finally starting to feel like Spring! And with the warmer air comes blooming flowers and lots of bright sunshine (well, sometimes here in the Lower Mainland). So what better time to take the kids outside and do an impromptu photo shoot? Since Easter is just around the corner, why not get the kids dressed in their Sunday best (at least they’ll get a couple of wears out of the outfits), grab some fun props and go to it.

Of course when you think of Easter, you think bunny ears and Easter baskets. These are both classic items for your photo shoot. But maybe think of some more creative ways in which to utilize them. You can have your kids craft their own bunny ears, eggs, chicks and baskets out of colorful paper and mount them to sticks (almost like masks) to create a fun photo montage.

Hang some glittery Easter eggs from a tree along with balloons and streamers to make a  cheery backdrop for your photos. Let your kids pose with giant chocolate bunny lollipops! If you have pets, get them in on the action. Bunny ears and cotton tails are always funny to see on your pet (as long as they are willing participants!)

Recently Updated18If you want to have more of a classic feel to your photos, gather up a bunch of beautiful flowers that the girls can wear in their hair, while boys can dress in their Easter best, looking their most-handsome. Utilize other items found in nature, such as fresh eggs stenciled with “Happy Easter” or “Happy Spring.”

Have fun with it and play around with different themes. You get to call the shots – so enjoy it!

Images via


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