Sunday’s Showcase – Get Outside and Play! | Vancouver, South Surrey Family Photographer
This is the time of year when everyone should spend as much time outside as possible. Yes, we all have obligations – work, school, chores, etc., but we need to take the time to enjoy ourselves and have fun. Here are some great ideas for outdoor entertainment that is guaranteed fun for the whole family.
Get creative! The outdoors can be a vast canvas of space just waiting for a bit of creativity. Sidewalk chalk is inexpensive and comes in so many different colors that kids will have no problem creating an absolute masterpiece. Another fun idea is finger paints. Much easier to play with outdoors than in – just let the kids run through a sprinkler when they’re done!
Head into the water! Whether you’re in the yard, the beach or a local pool, there are so many ways to enjoy the water now that the weather’s warm. You can go the simple route by setting up a wading pool or a sprinkler to run through. Or take a visit to a local water park for some real adventure. Many local parks these days have splash pads that kids can run around and get wet. There are so many way to enjoy the water during the summer, so get going now and see how many you can fit in this season!
Get close to nature. Kids (and adults) can have fun just by utilizing items found in nature – no fancy toys necessary. Remember the days of making mud pies? Now’s the perfect time to teach this very important rite of passage to your kids. Make necklaces out of flowers, blow on some dandelions or even watch fireflies as they light up the night. And while you’re out there, don’t forget to make some s’mores!
Images via Pinterest and Google
There are so many ways to play outside in the nice weather. With a little creative thought, you’ll find a new activity for each day of the summer season.