Pretty Purple Flowers, Spring Family Photos | Vancouver Family Photographer - Kamloops Child & Family Photographer - Meagan Baker
May 2015

Pretty Purple Flowers, Spring Family Photos | Vancouver Family Photographer

I’m very excited to be joining an inspiring group of photographers in a group called “to the moon and back”. It’s a photo circle and each month we share photos of our little lovelies. It’s an amazing group of ladies, so I hope you’ll follow the circle and check out some of their work.

There is the most gorgeous spot in Surrey where wild purple flowers and buttercups bloom in abundance at this time of year. It’s gorgeous. I missed last year and wanted to make sure I made it this year to take some pictures of my girls. I’ve started shooting some film again (and I’m in LOVE, you’ll hear more on the blog soon) but I also took some digital portraits. Here’s some, including one for the Sister Love Project (formerly Sisterhood Project).

Make sure to follow the circle, next up is Julie Livermore Photography.

sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0001 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0002 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0003 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0004 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0005 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0006 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0007 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0008 sisterlove, meagan baker photography, purple flowers, spring portraits, crescent beach photos, family photos, child portraits_0009

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