Glimpses 52 Project: Week 20 - Kamloops Child & Family Photographer - Meagan Baker
May 2012

Glimpses 52 Project: Week 20

I’m very late getting to this weeks glimpse. And, I’ve had so many things to share in week 20 of 2012. We are re-landscaping some of our yard and it’s taken much longer than expected to finish. Needless to say, we’ve been neglecting other things as we work to get the yard in shape. My daughter and I were out in the garden weeding…  as you can see in this photo, we’ve let the spring weeds take over our vegetable garden. It’s a jungle! I weeded for 2 hours yesterday and cleared only one quarter of it. YIKES! Here’s my little sweetie goofing off with buttercups for my Chic Critique Forum week 20 glimpse.

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